RioJun 13, 2022Movie MondayTurn! Turn! Turn! The Music of Forrest GumpStarting in the Elvis era of the 50s, the music of the 1994 film 'Forrest Gump' is a perfect backdrop to the seismic shift happening in...
RioMay 16, 2022ConcertsPaul McCartney "Got Back" and So Did WeFriday the 13th is superstitiously an unlucky day. Not for me. I was at Sofi Stadium seeing the one and only Sir Paul McCartney live in...
RioMay 8, 2022Music Monday"Revolver" and the Balance of Dark and LightBy Rio For the first Music Monday, we are going to be talking about “Revolver”. Released in 1966, Revolver shows a new direction for the...