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20 Underrated Songs by Paul McCartney

Reminder this is all in good fun! This is my opinion on Paul McCartney song's that I don't think are talked about enough TODAY. I've seen McCartney perform in concert three times so I'm also creating this list with songs that have not, in my memory, been featured in any recent live performances.

Keep things kind in the comments. No mansplaining please!

1. No Other Baby

A bluesier side of Paul that more people should hear!

2. Queenie Eye

Although this song has been performed in some live shows, I believe it's one of the more recent McCartney tunes (2013) that needs more attention! McCartney explained that the song name and chorus lyrics were from a children's game he would play when he was young called "Queenie, Queenie, who's got the ball?" The music video features some familiar faces...

3. My Brave Face

4. Getting Closer

"Say You Don't Love Him, My Salamander" are the actual lyrics to this song and we let him get away with it!

5. Goodnight Tonight

The Spanish guitar, the hard bass, the synthesizers that sound like lasers. Pre-80s Paul at his best.

6. Hi Hi Hi

7. Listen to What the Man Said

The wonder of it all baby...

8. Every Night

9. Call Me Back Again

Perfect for your answering machine!

10. With a Little Luck

Might be my favorite song of his...

11. Another Day

12. No More Lonely Nights

Best. Guitar. Solo. Ever!

13. Beautiful Night

Listen closely for Ringo.

14. Take it Away

15. Waterfalls

"Some big friendly polar bear/Might want to take you home" more lyrics we let him get away with.

16. Tomorrow

17. Helen Wheels

Who doesn't love some word play? As for me, when I was little, I thought Paul was saying "Rio" instead of wheels. In my mind, he still is.

18. Pipes of Peace

19. My Love

20. Honey Hush

Little Richard vibes on this one!

What's your favorite Paul McCartney song?

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