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Beauty School Dropout: Unleashed

I caught Beauty School Dropout’s “Unleashing” (or release) party Wednesday night at Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. The trio released their new single “Assassin” on the same day and their show was a lot of fun. Playing the latest song along with the first song they ever released (“Last Time”), the band has a bright future ahead of them. With a great repertoire of tunes and a loyal fanbase, it’s hard to believe they’re just getting started!

(Bardo, Brent Burdett, and Colie Hutzler, Photo by Natasha Ribiero-Austrich)
(Bardo, Brent Burdett, and Colie Hutzler, Photo by Natasha Ribiero-Austrich)

“Hasn’t even been a year since we played our first show," said lead singer Colie Hutzler. The band released their debut single in 2020, in the midst of COVID-19. It’s easy to forget how new they are! “Welcome to our motherfucking family” said Hutzler to the crowd, “I hope we see everyone again!” Count me in! After catching Beauty School Dropout’s cameo at Coachella, along with their appearance at Royal and the Serpent's Roxy show last September, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the band’s full show this week and am excited to see what they’re cooking up next!

Listen to Beauty School Dropout’s latest single below:

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