Midnights Doesn't Hold Up in the Light of Day
Some things should stay in the dark...
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan. Taylor Swift has been there for me during pivotal points in my life. During heartbreak, new romances, loss. She’s a musical queen! I would categorize myself as a Swiftie. So, when I sat down to listen to her 10th studio album “Midnights” just as the clock struck twelve, I was…disappointed.

This album sounds like vault tracks from her earlier “1989” or “Lover” albums and I am honestly not impressed. Her song “Vigilante Shit”, (classy name, Tay) sounds like a poor “reputation” knock off. Actually, it sounds like she is trying to be Billie Eilish (who is about twelve years her junior…) and Taylor’s voice just doesn’t work with this kind of song. Eilish’s low, sultry vocals would be perfect on this piece and I couldn’t help but imagine her singing it, which was distracting. I had to pause, take a breath and then I struggled through the rest of the album (that was track 8 out of 13). I was literally rolling my eyes as each new song started.
My therapist, Doctor Millie Morgenstern, would say that Taylor is expressing a lack of maturity that comes with early stardom. I can only concur. Young artists grow up in the public eye so Taylor not having “normal” late teen years or early twenties experiences is highly apparent in this album. Sure, we normal people can’t understand this kind of “depression” or “fear” of “not feeling like a person” when you’re a star…cry me a river. Yes, everyone has insecurities and I can’t imagine the kind of seismic pressure she is under. Like she is constantly under a microscope with everything about her being picked apart. But the way she expresses these types of issues and dilemmas just comes off as whiny and unrelatable:
“Track 3, Anti-Hero, is one of my favorite songs….I really don’t think I’ve delved this far into my insecurities in this detail before” Swift shared in an Instagram video, “You know I struggle a lot with the idea that…my life has become unmanageably…sized…Not to sound too dark but like I just struggle with the idea of like not feeling like a person” she awkwardly laughs “Don’t feel bad for me. You don’t need to”.
I don’t.
Maybe it’s the explanation that makes this song cringey. The song is good. And standing alone, without her discussion of it, “Anti-Hero” could’ve been great.
Swift had stated that the “Midnights” tracks are all songs she has written throughout the years in the middle of the night…ok…Well, to me it seems like she’s old enough now and has the balls to say shit she wanted to say back then but was too afraid. That might sound harsh but I don’t care. Like I said I’m a massive Taylor Swift fan and I was very much looking forward to this album only to be greatly disappointed. But she’ll probably still win a Grammy for it because she’s Taylor. And more power to her. I think she is an incredible artist and brilliant songwriter, but this album fell flat for me. Maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt because as a follow up to “folklore” and “evermore” you’re already setting the bar pretty high. Actually, no. I won’t give her the benefit of the doubt. I expect more from Taylor. She’s better than this.
On a positive note, I will say what does show Swift’s artistic evolution are the lyrics. Lyrically, “Midnights” is 10/10. Especially “Lavender Haze” and “Anti-Hero”. My favorite lyric on the entire album is “Only kinda girl they see/Is a one night or a wife” from “Lavender Haze”. No notes. However, her constant cursing gives off this energy: “Hi, I’m Taylor and I’m a bad bitch now”. It’s like your grandmother cursing or your favorite teacher. It just feels forced.
And not enough Lana Del Rey! I couldn’t hear her at all on “Snow on the Beach”! Is it just me?
Favorite song on the album: Anti-Hero
Score: 6/10