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Soft Sounds from Another Planet

Japanese Breakfast's second studio album 'Soft Sounds from Another Planet' has been described as an indie rock, shoegaze and electronica album with themes of loss, science fiction and perseverance. Giving the listener an intergalactic experience with the use of synths and lead vocalist Michelle Zauner's dreamy singing voice, 'Soft Sounds' is the perfect sophomore album.

Soft Sounds from Another Planet Japanese Breakfast album cover

The album holds the track 'Jimmy Fallon Big!', an intriguing title for a nostalgic and bittersweet song. Zauner explained the story behind the tune on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon back in May: "Before Japanese Breakfast I used to be in a very unpopular punk band called Little Big League and our bass player left to join another band, that was more popular...He sat me down...and was like I love this band I wish we could continue on together, but this other band has invited me to play and we're going to be Jimmy Fallon big...And then they fired him and...a few years later I started Japanese Breakfast and we brought him back into the band and then we actually got to play 'Jimmy Fallon Show' together!"

I was lucky enough to see Japanese Breakfast at this past Coachella Music and Arts Festival and it was definitely a weekend highlight!

Favorite song on the album: Road Head

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