The Best Men on Sex and the City (the main four did not end up with) * I HATE AIDAN *
I am a huge Sex and the City fan. So much so, I named my site "The Hot Child in the City" after the song by Nick Gilder, which I first heard in Season 3, Episode 15. So, here's comes my list of my favorite men the main four did not end up with.
16. Sean

If Carrie was so uncomfortable with him being bisexual then she should have stopped seeing him. Instead she drags him along, sleeps with him and ghosts him. He was cute, respectful and didn’t deserve that.
15. Dr. Robert Leeds

Although he didn’t take the breakup well at all, he was amazing to Miranda whilst in the relationship. He just wasn’t her person. So can I date him?
14. James

Although Samantha had some problems with him in the bedroom, and another bad breakup, he was such a sweetheart.
13. Joe - The New Yankee

He’d be a perfect boyfriend for someone other than Carrie who was just using him to make Big jealous.
12. Ray King

Great sex. Great job. Carrie couldn’t deal with his ADD (that she, a licensed doctor, diagnosed him with smh). She’s trash.
11. The Lonely Irish Doorman

A king!
10. Luke Gilmore - The Farmer

POV you rent a country cabin for the weekend, look out the window and see this, what do you do?
9. Chivon

This whole episode was a mess. Chivon was a great man.
Check out this Vanity Fair interview with actress Sundra Oakley who played Chivon's sister Adeena:
8. John - The Fuck Buddy

Another relationship Carrie "fucked" up. It’s okay to have a fuck buddy, Carrie. You don’t have to date him. It would be one thing if she was starting to fall for him and had an adult conversation about it, but no. Carrie just bombards him with an awful dinner date because she has to have a boyfriend at all times.
I don't care what anyone says. He will always be Dennis Duffy to me:
7. Walker Lewis

Why couldn’t they go back to his hotel and hook up instead of Miranda’s? He said he wasn’t a baby person. Miranda didn’t want to date him, just sleep with him. Whatever.
6. Ben

Great job. Respectful. Kind. So cute. AND wore glasses! Carrie fumbled the bag on this one by rummaging through his belongings. Fine, Ben’s available to date me!
5. Jeff

A fun, two week fling Samantha had. He made her laugh and adored her.
4. Baird - The Photographer

Artistic and out of the box for Charlotte.
3. Tom Reymi

A guy who advocates for safe sex. A keeper. Or whatever Samantha’s term for it is.
2. Smith
Photos from
This one is a no brainer. He was the best!
1. Shmuel - The Hasidic Folk Artist

Charlotte was always destined to be a Jew.