What Beatles Album Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
I'm also giving you a song to listen to that I think reflects your sign the best! Ready? Let's go!
Aquarius - Yellow Submarine

Aquarius your song is "Hey Bulldog"
Pisces - With the Beatles

Pisces your song is "Roll Over Beethoven"
Aries - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Aries your song is "Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite!"
Taurus - A Hard Day's Night

Taurus your song is "A Hard Day's Night"
Gemini - Revolver

Gemini your song is "Got to Get You Into My Life"
Cancer - Please Please Me

Cancer your song is "Please Please Me"
Leo - Magical Mystery Tour

Leo your song is "I Am The Walrus"
Virgo - Beatles For Sale

Virgo your song is "No Reply"
Libra - Rubber Soul

Libra your song is "Wait"
Scorpio - The White Album

Scorpio your song is "Yer Blues"
Sagittarius - Abbey Road

Sagittarius your song is "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window"
Capricorn: Help!

Capricorn your song is "I Need You"
And no one gets "Let It Be" cause they were breaking up and it was very sad the end.
Take the quizzes on Buzzfeed: https://www.buzzfeed.com/thehotchildinthecity/what-beatles-album-are-you-based-on-your-zodiac-si-4mkbdxc3b4